Victoria 2 immigration cheat
Victoria 2 immigration cheat

  • Crimean War (1850's or later, Sometimes) Once the Ottoman Empire falls out of great power status and France researches State & Government, France will attempt to claim influence over the Holy Land if the Ottomans own it.
  • Either way, the Slavery Debate will be settled one way or another, whether the CSA is able to maintain independance or is reannexed by the USA. As America becomes more conscious of the Slavery Debate, Confederate cores will begin to spread across the South, and will eventually culminate in the Confederate States of America declaring independance from the US.
  • American Civil War (1854 or later, Almost Always) The United States of America starts the game as the only Democratic Great Power, but also as one in which slavery is still legal.
  • Freedom for Schleswig-Holstein, however, will lead to immediate conflict between Prussia and Austria as they attempt to answer the problem of who should have influence there. This will cause Holstein to rebel, and very likely bring in Prussia and even Austria to its defense.

    victoria 2 immigration cheat

  • The Schleswig-Holstein Question (1848, Common) Schleswig and Holstein are united into a single country under the vassalage of Denmark, which will try to annex them at the height of the Liberal Revolution.
  • This starts a series of events as Napoleon then installs a monarchy during the first election and then he himself is possibly overthrown in the years to come.
  • French Revolution (1845-1850, Sometimes) As the Liberal Revolutions spread through Europe, Napoleon III will rise up and overthrow the French monarchy should militancy there become too high.
  • victoria 2 immigration cheat

  • Irish Famine (1840's, Always) The Irish Potato Famine will begin in the early part of the Liberal Revolution, kicking off a series of events which will plague the United Kingdom for the rest of the game as the Irish fight for fair treatment and then independence.
  • Egypt is a strong opponent, and suddenly European powers will be put on the spot to either support the crumbling Ottomans or intervene on Egypt's behalf despite the objections of the Ottomans and their supporters.

    victoria 2 immigration cheat

    Sometime within the first ten years of the game it will rebel, and the Ottomans will likely be engulfed in a war to reclaim the Levant.

  • Oriental Crisis (1838 or later, Common) Egypt begins the game as an Ottoman vassal.

  • Victoria 2 immigration cheat